Creating a Question-Based Assessment

Learn how to create Question-Based Assessments (QBAs) and templates

A Question-Based Assessment (QBA) is a review conducted to assess various aspects of operations within an organization using a structured set of questions designed to gather specific information.

Table of contents:

  1. Starting from scratch
  2. Creating an assessment using a template
  3. Creating assessment templates

Start with navigating to Audits & assessments and clicking on Create assessment.


Select Questionnaire Based.

Starting from scratch

To create a QBA from scratch, go to the Start from scratch tab.

Fill in the following fields:

  1. Name: A unique name for the assessment
  2. Authority/Control Set: Select an authority or a control set, whose provisions/controls you can link to the questions; you can change this later, and it is optional depending on the kind of questions you want to ask
  3. Respondent: Define whether the respondent for the assessment will be internal or external
  4. Product: Assign a product for the assessment. This field is optional and is used for grouping assessments.
  5. Assessment style: Risk rated or Weighted score.

If you are creating a template, Respondent is optional.

Click Create and you are now ready to add questions to the assessment.

Creating an assessment using a template

The purpose of a template is that, once published, it can be used to create more assessments with the pre-populated questions and answers. A use case for this may be a monthly or vendor assessment that has a similar structure but may or may not change slightly.

You can also create a QBA based on a template, a previously-run assessment, or a template added from the 6clicks Content Library.

In the Select from template tab, Find the template or previous assessment that you want to base your QBA on by using the search bar or the filters. Click Next to continue.

With the rest of the fields already pre-filled, you can give the assessment a new Name, and define its Respondent and Product.

Click Create and you are now ready to add questions to the assessment.

Creating assessment templates

To create a new assessment template, simply follow the same steps for creating an assessment.

Once you have completed the necessary details, click Save as template instead of Create.

You are now ready to add questions to the assessment template.

When you are done, this template can then be used to create assessments. When using a template to create assessments, you can add additional questions and make any edits to tailor each assessment to their target audience, e.g. your third-parties/vendors.

You can also customize an assessment or assessment template with an introduction and end page.