Access member for individual assets

Learn how to manage access permissions for individual assets

This article discusses access to individual assets.

Head here for access to the asset register as a whole.

Table of contents

  1. What is an access member?
  2. Assigning access members to assets
  3. Permission settings related to asset access

What is an access member?

An access member of an asset is a user who is specifically given access to that asset.

When a non-admin user creates an asset, they are automatically added as an access member to that asset.

By default,

  • Administrators have access to all assets,
  • Users (that are not administrators) can see and access an asset when they are either added to the asset's access members list, or if they have the View all assets permission turned on.

To learn the difference between an access member and an owner, head here.

Assigning access members to assets

Go to Registers Assets.


Select an Asset from the register or create a new asset. Find the Access Members field next to Owner.

If you don't see this field, you would need to review your permissions.

Select Edit and add/remove user(s) from the field and click Update asset when you are done, or Create asset if you are creating a new asset.

Permission settings related to asset access

Permissions can be set at either the user level or the role level.

There are a couple of permissions related to individual asset access, namely:

  • Asset access members: Lets users see the Access members field for an individual asset, or edit it if they have edit permission.
  • View all assets: Gives users view-only access to all assets, regardless of whether they are an access member to the assets or not.

To change these permissions for an individual user, go to Administration Users (1), click on the user (2), click Permissions (3) and you can search for the permission by using the browser search function e.g. Ctrl + F.

To change these permissions for a role, go to Administration Roles, click on the role, click Edit and go to the Permissions tab, where you can search for the permission by using the browser search function e.g. Ctrl + F.