Learn how to manage user accounts
This article outlines user functionality in a Spoke. If your organization utilizes the Hub & Spoke architecture, and you are working in the Hub, the only type of user at the Hub level is Users. See the instructions below for creating and managing Users for both Hub and Spoke and for creating and managing Advisors and Respondents in a Spoke. The article for managing user access at the Hub provides more information for Hub users and how to provide advisor access to the spoke environments.
At the spoke level, you will find 3 types of users in their respective tabs in Administration > Users which are Users, Respondents, and Advisors. The Hub level has one type of account, Users.
A User can log into the spoke and work with the different modules within your environment. This article discusses this type of user only, in the 1st tab.
A Respondent is someone you wish to assign tasks within your tenant and can be someone internal or external to your organization. These respondents are considered response-only users and will only see the tasks assigned to them within your 6clicks spoke. This linked article will guide you through Managing respondents.
An Advisor is a user or administrator at your hub that you wish to have administer one or multiple spokes, depending upon your configuration. This linked article will guide you through providing advisor access to a spoke.
Creating new users
Select Administration, then Users from the left navigation panel.
From the Users screen, select New User at the right of the top panel.
Add first name, last name and email address.
Default options are ticked, change only if required.
Ensure Active is ticked if the user is to access 6clicks from the activation email without any further steps required.
After clicking Save, the new user will appear in the Users List and the user will be sent an activation email.
Bulk importing new users
Select Administration, then Users from the left navigation panel.
Select More and then click Bulk import. You will download and edit the template to add in the complete user profile for your users and then import that file into your environment.
Click on Download Template.
The Import Users Template you just downloaded has column headings that correspond with field names. Populate the respective information in each column.
Email Address: Add the user's email
First Name: Add the user's first name
Last Name: Add the user's last name
Roles - Add the user's role(s). You can check the roles in your environment via the Administration/Roles module in the left side panel. Multiple roles can be added if separated by a comma as noted in the example downloaded.
Groups: add the group(s) with which the user will be associated. The group must already exist in the environment. Groups can be added and edited through the Administration/Groups module in the left side panel. Multiple groups can be added if separated by a comma as noted in the example downloaded.
Active: Specify whether the user will be active upon import (Yes or No). Active users will be sent an activation email and granted immediate access based on their role and group permissions.
Once you have populated your user template file, save and close it.
In the Administration/Users module select More and then click Bulk import.
Select the Browse button to navigate to and select your file or drag and drop it into the space provided below Browse.
Once the file is ready to be uploaded, it will show the file name with the text 'Ready to upload,' select Upload.
The new User(s) will appear in Users List as Active/Inactive based on the import.
Learn more about 6clicks Administration functions, or Team Management.
Inactive users
You can set users as 'inactive' in Administration > Users. Inactive users cannot login to the application.
An 'inactive' label is shown next to users that are inactive.
If a user is already assigned to a record, and they are made inactive, they will remain assigned to the record.
You can filter records based on inactive users.
Inactive users do not receive email notifications.
Deleted users
A 'deleted' label is shown next to users that are already deleted for the owner(s) filter in the Audits & Assessments module.
You cannot assign deleted users to anything, but you can remove them from items to which they were previously assigned.
For more information on managing users within 6clicks:
Learn how to manage user roles and permissions here.
Learn how to create and edit user groups to streamline managing access to records here.
Learn more about user management from the Hub and Spoke perspective here.