Automated Issues & Incidents in QBA's

Adding Automation to QBA's 

Select Templates under Audits & Assessments from the left navigation panel.

Select Create assessment (1) or select a template from the template table (2).

Select Assessment Builder (1), then select a question from the table (2). On the right of the screen, a panel will appear (3). 

Select Automations at the top of the panel. 

Based on the question which was selected from the table, automated issue recommendations will appear. Click the arrow next to each answer option to view all recommended issues. 

Click on each issue to view the Overview and the Type.

Click the three dots next to an issue to unlink it. 

Select Add Automation to select an answer or response option. 

Select the arrow, then select an answer or response option. 


Select Link Issues & Actions to 'Associate your issues to response options.'

All issues currently in the Issue Libraries will populate. Select the plus next to the issue to link it (1). The green check indicates the issue has been linked (2).  Select Linked to show all issues currently linked (3). Use the search to quickly browse through the issues (4).