Define Assessment Fields

Define fields to assess the requirements against

Fields are used to capture data against the requirements (controls or provisions). Note that fields are applied to ALL requirements. You cannot define fields for specific requirements. 

To define fields, click on the Manage Fields button.

To add your first field, select + Add Field in the Manage Fields side panel.

Enter in the name of the Field, then hit Enter on the keyboard.

Next, add a Description (1), which is optional, then select the type field.

There are three types of custom fields:

  1. Dropdown - allows you to define the dropdown options
  2. Short Text Response - single-line text field
  3. Long Text Response - multiple-line text field with rich text editor

If you select Dropdown, you will need to define the Answer options. You can add new options by selecting the + button (1), as well as remove options by clicking the x button (2). You can also bulk define answer options by selecting Bulk Answers (3). Once you have defined the answer options, click Save (4).

You can also edit the name of the field by double-clicking the name. 

Once the field has been saved, it will appear in the Manage Fields list. You can edit the field by hovering your mouse over the field, clicking on the Actions button and selecting Edit. You can also Delete the field from the Edit dropdown.


You can add as many fields as you like in the Manage Fields screen.

To reorder fields, hover over the field, click on the move reorder icon and drag the field to the desired position.

Once you are happy with the fields, click the back button.

The main side panel screen displays how many fields have been added. 

Note that fields are applied to ALL requirements. You cannot define fields for specific requirements.