Adding documents and notes & guidance for requirements

Learn how to better guide respondents by providing additional information

When building a requirement based assessment (RBA), you can add documents, as well as define notes & guidance for any of the requirements.

When responding to the assessment, the user will be able to access and view the documents, notes or guidance that you provided.


Make sure you are in the Assessment builder tab of a requirement based assessment that is in Draft status.

To add reference documents to a requirement, click on it then click on the + next to Attachments.

You can then drag and drop files or browse for files on your computer. Click Upload when done.

Files that have been added will be displayed in the Attachments section of the requirement. The requirement will now have an icon next to it to indicate that it has attachments. You can also Download and Delete a document by clicking on the 3 dots to the right of the document.

Notes & guidance

To add notes and guidance to a requirement, click on it and the + next to Notes & guidance.

The side panel will display a rich text editor where you can enter text. Once you have added the relevant text, click Ok.

You can add multiple notes and guidance, which will appear in a list. Once you are done, click the back arrow next to Add Note.

All the notes and guidance items can be viewed under the Notes & guidance section of the requirement. The requirement will now have an icon next to it to indicate that it has notes & guidance. You can also Edit and Delete a note by clicking the 3 dots to the right of it.

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