Creating and using an issue & incident library

Learn how to create and manage issue & incident libraries in 6clicks

Issue & incident libraries allow for a bank of issue and incident templates to be pre-prepared for use in 6clicks. These are not live records and do not appear on the register.

Libraries provide a way for organizations to define issue and incident templates and then push these to the register if and when they occur.

You can create these libraries at either the Hub level or the Spoke level.

Table of contents:

Creating an issue/incident library

Go to Issues & Incidents Libraries. Click Create and choose Issue or incident library to create a new issue or incident library.

Enter the name and description of your new issue/incident library in the side panel.

Find your new issue/incident library as a new tab near the top of the module. You may need to use the left and right arrows.


Adding a new issue/incident to a library

To create a new issue/incident, click Create and choose Issue or incident.

You can then fill in or select values for the following fields.

  • Name
  • Description
  • Type
  • Library
  • Priority

Once done, click Save.

Upon creating the issue/incident, it will appear at the top of the All tab.

It will also be in the library that you selected.

Importing issues & incidents

To bulk import issues/incidents, click More Import issues.

Click Download Template

Using the template provided, add your issues/incidents and fill in their details.

  • Name
  • Description
  • IssueType: use one of the existing options.
    • Assessment result
    • Control check result
    • Feedback or improvement
    • Incident
    • Management review item
    • Near-miss
    • Penetration test result
    • Policy non-compliance
    • Vulnerable or weakness
  • Priority: use one of the existing options.
    • Immediate
    • High
    • Medium
    • Low
  • Issue Library: Add the name of the issue/incident library you want to add the issue/incident to. If you enter the name of a library that does not yet exist, the library will be created at import.

Upload the completed spreadsheet where you downloaded the template, in More Import issues.

Adding an existing issue/incident to another library

You can also add issues/incidents from one library to another.

Choose the issue/incident you want to add to another library and select Add to existing library at the top of the table.

Select an issue/incident library from the drop-down list, then click Add Issue. You can then find the issues/incidents also in your destination library.

You can also add one issue/incident to an existing library by clicking on the 3 dots to the right of the issue/incident.

Adding issue actions

Issue actions in the libraries are abstract, i.e. they set out general actions that will be assigned with due dates to users once active in the issue registers.

You can only create issue actions after you create the issues they are supposed to link to. This means that if you are importing both issues and issue actions, you will use two different Excel spreadsheets.

Manually adding an issue action

Select the issue you want to add an action to, and click the next to Actions in the side panel.

Create a new issue action by filling in the Title field and hitting Enter on your keyboard.

This will create the action and give you the option to fill in the Description.

Back out into the issue detail side panel by clicking on the issue again or the back arrow at the top of the side panel, and expand the Actions section to see actions linked to the issue.

Click on the 3 dots to the right of an action to edit or delete it.

Importing issue actions via Excel

In your Issues & incidents libraries, click on More Import risk treatment plans.

Click on Download Template.

Fill in the spreadsheet accordingly.

  • IssueLibrary: the library to which your issue belongs
  • IssueName: the name of your issue; this is used to link the action to the issue
  • Name: the name of the issue action
  • Description: a description of the issue action

Upload your completed template and your actions will populate under their issues.

Using published issue & incident libraries

Once an issue/incident library is published, you can then:

Pushing issues & incidents to the register

Select the issues/incidents you wish to push to the register, then click Add to issue registers.

Add to issue registers does not appear in the All tab.

Select an issue from within a specific library that is published to proceed.

Click Yes when prompted.

You will receive a notification in the bottom-left corner of the screen when successful.

An Added to issue registers icon will appear next to applicable issues.

The Issue registers now contain the pushed issue and its actions, if any.

Showing Hub level issue libraries at the Spoke level

You can choose to show or hide your Hub's issue libraries at the Spoke level.

If hidden, the libraries will not be shown in spokes, with no impact on assessment recommendations flows.

In your Hub, go to Administration > Settings and then the General tab.

Scroll down to find Show libraries in Spokes.

Use the checkboxes to show or hide your Hub libraries in your Spoke/s.


When turning these off at the Hub level, you are only turning off the issue libraries created at the Hub level.

Any issue libraries created and published by the Spokes themselves will not be impacted.