Automated Risks in RBA's

Adding Automation to RBA's

Select Templates under Audits & Assessments from the left navigation panel.

Select Create assessment (1) or select a template from the template table (2).

Select Assessment Builder (1), then select a requirement from the table (2). On the right of the screen, a panel will appear (3). 


Select Automations at the top of the panel. 

Click the arrow and select the manage field (1). Click the next arrow and select the current state of the response for the specific field (2). Select Link Risks (3). 

All risks currently in the Risk Libraries will populate. Select the plus next to risk to link it (1). The green check indicates the risk has been linked (2).  Select Linked to show all risks currently linked (3). Use the search to quickly browse through the risks (4).

Click on the arrow next to each risk to view the Overview, Common Causes, and Potential Impact. Select the arrows next to Common Causes and Potential Impact to expand and view the information. 

Adding Recommended Risks When Viewing Results of RBA's

Select Audits & Assessments from the left panel. 

Select the All tab.

Select a QBA that is in progress.

Select the Responses tab (1) and select Resume (2).


In the right panel under Risks, risk recommendations will appear. 

Click the arrow next to the + to view all currently linked risks as well as recommended risks that can be linked. The link button will link the risk and will show up under Linked Risks. 

Learn how to create a risk, head here.