Analytics and Reporting Module

General Overview of the 6clicks Analytics and Reporting Module

General Functionality

Navigate to the Analytics tab using the top menu navigation. 

The main reporting and analytics screen will appear. 

Users with Dashboard access will land on the home page instead:

To access all reports, click on the Menu button before following the steps as described in this article. The Menu button is pictured below:

In the top taskbar are the options to:

1. Search for content using the search box.

2. Filter information in alphabetical order, recent, my favorites, comments, and views. 

3. Choose the layout in which the information is displayed either by Thumbnails or a List. 

4. The ellipsis allows the user to open the currently selected content, open the content in a new tab, or add it to the favorites. 

The left side taskbar houses the My Content, By Folder or Data Source, and By Tag options. 

My Content:

  1. All - shows all the content accessible by the user. 
  2. My Favorites- any content the user has marked as a favorite.
  3. Recent- any content recently viewed by the user. 
  4. Hidden- any content marked as hidden and will not be viewable under any category. 

By Folder allows the user to choose a folder and view its contents. Use the drop-down arrow to switch between Folder and Date Source view.