Importing Controls and Responsibilities using CSV/Excel

Importing Controls using CSV/Excel 

Select Policies & Controls Sets from the left navigation panel to open the Controls screen.

Click on Create a control set at the top right of the screen. 

This will generate the new control modal. Populate relevant fields of the new control set modal. Click on Create Control Set.  

Click on the More dropdown and select Import Controls (CSV). 

An Alert message will appear; select Yes to continue. 

An Import Data modal will appear; select Download Template to download the excel file. 

The Control Set Import Template has column headings that correspond with field names. Populate the respective information in each column. 

  • Control ID- Add the Control ID(s) in this column. Each ID should be unique to the respective control. 
  • Control Title- Add the Control Title in this column. 
  • Control Description- Add the Control Description in this column describing the function of the control. 
  • Control Domain- Add the Control Domain in which domain this control will fall under. 

Select More > Import Controls (CSV) to import your controls, then select the Browse button. Select your file or drag and drop it into the space provided next to Browse.

Once the file is ready to be uploaded, it will show the file name below the Browse button with the text 'Ready to upload,' select Upload.

Once the excel file has been uploaded, the control will populate in Control Set Builder. 

Importing Responsibilities using CSV/Excel 

Select Policies & Controls Sets from the left navigation panel to open the Controls screen.

Click on Create a control set at the top right of the screen. 

Click on the More dropdown and select Import Responsibilities.

 An Import Data modal will appear; select Download Template to download the excel file.

The Responsibility Import Template has column headings that correspond with field names. Populate the respective information in each column. 

  • Control ID- Add the Control ID in this column. The Control ID is the same ID you are attaching this responsibility to. 
  • Name- Add the Name of the responsibility in this column.
  • Description- Add the Description of the responsibility describing the course of action. 
  • Due Date- Add the Due Date when the responsibility is due in this column.

Please note: Date fields must be set to Text format in Excel and entered as dd/mm/yyyy. This includes single-digit day/month entries.

For example, 1 January 2023, would be entered as 01/01/2023.

  • Owner - Enter the email associated with the User or Advisor when populating this column. If linking a User Group, enter the Group Name. Multiple entries need to be comma-separated.
  • Recurring- Add Yes in this column if the responsibility reoccurs. Add No in this column if it does not reoccur. 
  • Time Period- Add the Time Period in this column. The Time period options are 1 year, 6 months, 1 month, and 1 week.
  • Assigned Members - Enter the email associated with the User or Advisor when populating this column. If linking a User Group, enter the Group Name. Multiple entries need to be comma-separated.

Select More > Import Responsibility to import your responsibilities, then select the Browse button. Select your file or drag and drop it into the space provided next to Browse.

Once the file is ready to be uploaded, it will show the file name below the Browse button with the text 'Ready to upload,' select Upload.

Once the excel file has been uploaded, the responsibility will appear under the Control.

In the right-side panel under the Responsibilities tab, a green checkmark indicates the responsibility has been linked.