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Control Set versions - viewing and restoring
Learn how to view and restore previous Control Set versions.
A new Control version is created every time that Control goes from Edit to Published.
To create a new version of a Control Set, start by navigating to the Controls module and selecting the Control Set.
Select the Versions tab to review the Name of the control set, its version number, when and who published it.
1. Versions tab
2. See version
3. From the Status dropdown, navigate from published to edit.
You can edit the Control set here. When you are finished, select the Status Publish.
Once you go back to published, a new version is created.
Select the ellipsis Action button to give you two options, View and Restore.
Viewing the Control allows you to view this older version in read-only mode, and lets you download this version as PDF (1), view all Controls (2), and see Linked Provisions (3).
When selecting the Restore button, you will be taken back to that control set version in edit status.
You can make revisions to this control set version.
Once reviewed, click Status and Publish.
This will create a new version with changes made to the version you chose to make changes to.
To learn more about Control Sets, head here.