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Third-Party Assessment Score

The Third-Party assessment score only applies to QBA's. 

Head to your Third-Parties module. 

  1. Click Third-Parties.
  2. Your Third-Party name.
  3. Click on Assessments.
  4. On the right-hand side, you can see the Score of an assessment. 

There are two types of scores, weighted and risk-rated scores. For weighted scores there are two options, 1) the average score, and 2) the total score.

For risk-rated score, we only show the average score which is calculated based on each numerical value assigned to each risk. 

To check the settings of how your assessment is calculated, go to your assessment and click on it then on the right-hand side you will see the assessment type, and click on Settings. 

The settings of your assessment will be displayed. From there you can see and change how your Weighted Score is being calculated. You can select whether you would like to calculate the score as Average or Total. You also have the ability to select the option to round the score once an assessment has been submitted. 

The way the weighted score is calculated is by taking the option(s) values * the question value. 

For instance, for question number 1.2 a user selects options two (20) and three (30) which is 50*2 =100, and then that value is taken out as the average or total based on your Weighted Score settings. 

If you then go to your submitted assessments and click on Results, you can see the final answer and Weighted Score. 

In your Third-Parties assessment, you will see the average score which is added up as a total and divided by the number of questions. 

If your assessment has a total score of 225/3=75 that is the score that will be shown in your third-party assessment. 


To find out more about Third-Parties, head here.