Customizing a Question Based Assessment

Learn how to customize your QBA with introductions and end pages, including the ability to upload relevant documents.

To customize the assessment, enter the assessment builder and go to the 'Customise' tab.

There are two sections that are available to customize: 'Custom Introduction' and 'Custom End Page'. To edit these, expand the sections by clicking the caret next to each header.

Custom Introduction

The Custom Introduction will appear to respondents when they first open an assessment. This area is useful for providing context to respondents such as a description of the assessment, instructions, and a link to relevant documents.

Within this section, there is both a rich text field that supports images and text formatting, and a file upload functionality.

The file upload functionality allows for multiple documents to be uploaded and made available to respondents. To upload a file, either drag and drop the file or select it within the file directory by clicking 'Browse'.

Once the file has been selected, click 'Upload' to load it into 6clicks.

Previously uploaded files can be downloaded or removed by clicking the vertical ellipses to the right of the file name.

Please note: Uploading and deleting files is only available when the assessment is in 'Draft' status.

Click the 'Save' button at the bottom right of the section when you are finished editing.

Below is an example of what a Custom Introduction will look like for a respondent.

Custom End Page

The Custom End Page will appear to respondents at the end of the assessment, once they have submitted their responses. This area is useful to provide a final message or even an overview of the next steps following submission.

There is a rich text field within this section that supports images and text formatting.

Click the 'Save' button at the bottom right of the section when you are finished editing.