Bulk Import Entities into the HUB

Adding Entities

Navigate to the Entities module from the left navigation panel in the HUB. Click Import on the top right of the screen.

The Import Data modal will appear, this allows you to import a list of Entities. 

Click Download template to download the correct import template.

In the excel document, add the details as per the excel template.

Note - for Criticality, Risk, Geography, and Industry, you must select from the pre-defined options in the app.

Custom Attributes

You can also import custom attributes using the bulk import functionality. Once you have set up the custom attributes for Entities, you will need to add them to the import file. To do this you will need to add the code for the type of custom attribute, followed by a dash and then the name of the custom attribute.

For example, if a custom attribute is called Contact name, and it is free text, then the column name in the import file should be FT - Contact name. If the custom attribute is a drop-down with the name Priority, then the column name in the import file should be DD - Priority. Below is how they should be added to the excel import file:

Below are the following codes for the attribute types:

  • Free Text - FT
  • Drop-Down - DD
  • Multi-Select - MD
  • Rich Text Editor - RT
  • Date - DT

Once the column names have been defined, you can enter your data in each cell:

  • For free text, you can add any text you like.
  • For drop-down, you must enter the name of a selectable option in the defined dropdown list. The text must match identically and is case-sensitive.
  • For multi-select, you must enter the names of a selectable option in the defined dropdown list separated by a comma (,). The text must match identically and is case-sensitive.
  • For free text, you can add any text you like.
  • For Date, use DD/MM/YYYY. Make sure the cell format is text.


Once you've finished creating the template, hit Browse in the Import Data modal and hit Upload to import your new Third-Parties.

Once uploaded, the companies will be added to your list of Entities.

In the Overview tab, the Details options will have populated.

The contact email cell in the excel sheet will populate the advisor's email under the Advisors tab.